Gee, You Mean It Was Right There All Along
“Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by.” -Carl Sandburg
It's out there, I now realize it was there all along... it seems my problem was one of recognition - joy - I can usually see someone elses but I will turn a blind eye to my own. Ahh, but now that I know where to look, it's pretty hard to miss. :))
Image notes:
I like lemons! - beautiful color, their size, texture, delightful - so when I started to think about the joy that is all around if I would only look for it - lemons kept showing up everywhere...
This shot of the girl was taken the day before she left for Panama. I took the day off and the two of us went downtown to wander and to take pictures. I've been thinking about this reach idea for another image project, so we played with some reaching shots. This one worked cuz of the wonderful foursome that happened along as we were shooting (we would set up the shot and she would start walking as when it seemed right I would shout, "Now, Reach!").
So if you see a happy yellow glow... you know what to do!